My name is Michele Brock! Those of you who join this group will witness first hand a transformation like you wouldn't believe!
It is said that America is the most obese country in the world! Research shows that a lot of our ailments are a direct result of our lack of exercise and poor eating habits! It's time out for DIETS, but, instead, it is time for CHANGE! A CHANGE in how we choose to live, extending our quality of life, truly being the best that we can be!
First of all, I can be found on a number of different sites that I use for promotions, but, when it comes to...
HEALTH & FITNESS (Mind, Body and Soul)
...the following sites are the ones that I most utilize, right now:

Body-for-LIFE Challenge
I will be entering into both the 2009 Body-for-LIFE 12 Week Challenge and Bill Phillip's Transformation 18 Week Challenge!
The Body-for-LIFE Challenge is a 12-week healthy living contest based on the proven principles in the best-selling book Body-for-LIFE. Participants are encouraged to record their progress with before and after photos. They are also asked to record their inner transformation in a short essay and they are judged on the quality of their outer and inner transformation.
The new Transformation Community is all about helping each other make healthy changes across the board: body, mind, heart and soul. For some this means breaking free from a lifetime of suffering from poor health and low energy. For others, it’s making the leap from a good life to a GREAT life! And for ALL it’s about going to the next level. There’s always a next level -- there’s always untapped potential waiting for us to make a conscious decision to reach up and claim it. There’s a level beyond Body-for-LIFE, and that’s what Transformation is all about.
I plan to chronicle my 12-18 week journey through daily journals, providing my process, my successes, my failures, my measurements in both inches and weight, photos and also through video all across the Internet including IMEEM and YouTube as well a number of other sites including,,, and to name just a few.
I plan to then begin doing the research necessary to take back to United States Department of Health and Human Services to get our government involved on a much wider scale!
It's my belief that the CHANGE that Obama has been speaking of is relevant to a number of different topics of issue that have been and continues to negatively affect this country and its residents! That CHANGE has to first take place within each and every one of us before it can have that trickle down affect to our children, our families, our friends and begin to spread throughout our communities on a local and then on a national level! This CHANGE CANNOT be like the fad diets that we go on so that we can hit the beach by summer in our new bikini wear or so that we can fit into our slamming attire in time for our class reunion and so forth and so on! It's got to be the type of CHANGE where we move from a negative place to a positive place with the intent on staying in that positive place and then sharing our stories of what used to be to what is and what can continue to be an uprising of a more healthy America! I am not talking about what Dr. Ian Smith set out to do with the 50 Million Pound Challenge and I have NO PLANS whatsoever on getting a corporate sponsor who can see the dollars that they stand to gain by jumping on board this bandwagon! I'm talking about getting into people's livingrooms and getting to the heart of the matter! I'm talking about making eating healthy JUST AS COST EFFECTIVE AND CONVENIENT as running out to grab a Big Mac from McDonalds or a 2 for 3 Whopper from Burger King! I'm talking about making working out on a regular bases as much of a necessity as BREATHING! I'm talking about just as companies have to post EEOC and MINIMUM WAGE statements in a place that is frequented by employees, restaurants have to visibly post the dangers of the foods that they sell to us, while they get richer off of us getting fatter or more infested with the things that causes many of our ailments! I LOVE THOSE COMMERCIALS (which I haven't seen anymore in a while now) where the couple goes through the drive thru and they ask for things like a badonka donk and a side of fat and the drive thru waitress ask if they want a badonka donk or a BADONKA DONK and they respond, yes, give me a BADONKA DONK and add a large side of cellulose thighs to that please! OH, MY GOD! They need to be playing commercials like that every day, several times a day on all the stations! There are a lot of organizations who are trying to address this issue, but, I don't understand why the government isn't addressing this issue on a much wider scale, making their presence known on this issue that is slowly but surely killing us!
I pretty much know where I am going with this, but, understand that first, THE CHANGE HAS TO START WITHIN ME and that is exactly what I am doing! This is the cross that I am choosing to pick up and bear within the Obama-Biden administration so...STAY TUNED!
(as of Tuesday, January 27, 2009)
The start of 2010 will have me competing in the following: - The Hydroxycut® Max! Transformation Contest Presented By BodySpace.

Transformation Challenge / Bill Phillips Transformation
Prevention Magazine: Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diets, & More
It is said that America is the most obese country in the world! Research shows that a lot of our ailments are a direct result of our lack of exercise and poor eating habits! It's time out for DIETS, but, instead, it is time for CHANGE! A CHANGE in how we choose to live, extending our quality of life, truly being the best that we can be!
First of all, I can be found on a number of different sites that I use for promotions, but, when it comes to...
...the following sites are the ones that I most utilize, right now:
Body-for-LIFE Challenge
I will be entering into both the 2009 Body-for-LIFE 12 Week Challenge and Bill Phillip's Transformation 18 Week Challenge!
The Body-for-LIFE Challenge is a 12-week healthy living contest based on the proven principles in the best-selling book Body-for-LIFE. Participants are encouraged to record their progress with before and after photos. They are also asked to record their inner transformation in a short essay and they are judged on the quality of their outer and inner transformation.
The new Transformation Community is all about helping each other make healthy changes across the board: body, mind, heart and soul. For some this means breaking free from a lifetime of suffering from poor health and low energy. For others, it’s making the leap from a good life to a GREAT life! And for ALL it’s about going to the next level. There’s always a next level -- there’s always untapped potential waiting for us to make a conscious decision to reach up and claim it. There’s a level beyond Body-for-LIFE, and that’s what Transformation is all about.
I plan to chronicle my 12-18 week journey through daily journals, providing my process, my successes, my failures, my measurements in both inches and weight, photos and also through video all across the Internet including IMEEM and YouTube as well a number of other sites including,,, and to name just a few.
I plan to then begin doing the research necessary to take back to United States Department of Health and Human Services to get our government involved on a much wider scale!
It's my belief that the CHANGE that Obama has been speaking of is relevant to a number of different topics of issue that have been and continues to negatively affect this country and its residents! That CHANGE has to first take place within each and every one of us before it can have that trickle down affect to our children, our families, our friends and begin to spread throughout our communities on a local and then on a national level! This CHANGE CANNOT be like the fad diets that we go on so that we can hit the beach by summer in our new bikini wear or so that we can fit into our slamming attire in time for our class reunion and so forth and so on! It's got to be the type of CHANGE where we move from a negative place to a positive place with the intent on staying in that positive place and then sharing our stories of what used to be to what is and what can continue to be an uprising of a more healthy America! I am not talking about what Dr. Ian Smith set out to do with the 50 Million Pound Challenge and I have NO PLANS whatsoever on getting a corporate sponsor who can see the dollars that they stand to gain by jumping on board this bandwagon! I'm talking about getting into people's livingrooms and getting to the heart of the matter! I'm talking about making eating healthy JUST AS COST EFFECTIVE AND CONVENIENT as running out to grab a Big Mac from McDonalds or a 2 for 3 Whopper from Burger King! I'm talking about making working out on a regular bases as much of a necessity as BREATHING! I'm talking about just as companies have to post EEOC and MINIMUM WAGE statements in a place that is frequented by employees, restaurants have to visibly post the dangers of the foods that they sell to us, while they get richer off of us getting fatter or more infested with the things that causes many of our ailments! I LOVE THOSE COMMERCIALS (which I haven't seen anymore in a while now) where the couple goes through the drive thru and they ask for things like a badonka donk and a side of fat and the drive thru waitress ask if they want a badonka donk or a BADONKA DONK and they respond, yes, give me a BADONKA DONK and add a large side of cellulose thighs to that please! OH, MY GOD! They need to be playing commercials like that every day, several times a day on all the stations! There are a lot of organizations who are trying to address this issue, but, I don't understand why the government isn't addressing this issue on a much wider scale, making their presence known on this issue that is slowly but surely killing us!
I pretty much know where I am going with this, but, understand that first, THE CHANGE HAS TO START WITHIN ME and that is exactly what I am doing! This is the cross that I am choosing to pick up and bear within the Obama-Biden administration so...STAY TUNED!
(as of Tuesday, January 27, 2009)
The start of 2010 will have me competing in the following: - The Hydroxycut® Max! Transformation Contest Presented By BodySpace.
Transformation Challenge / Bill Phillips Transformation
Prevention Magazine: Health, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diets, & More
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