Food Lovers Fat Loss System

Food Lovers Fat Loss System

...came in the mail today! After running a few errands, I'm going to sit down TONIGHT and go through the entire content of this package and get started right away! I'll definitely be posting often here on facebook and here and here and here! I hope to be posting some current shots of myself and a quick video piece by this time next week. My actual/current BODY MEASUREMENTS and my GOALS are posted on - MicheleBrock's BodySpace at The momentum's building and I'm on a roll and I'm excited! I feel like a kid at CHRISTmas time! My intent here is to LEAD BY EXAMPLE and that means sharing the good, the bad and the ugly! I hope that you guys will stick it out with me and watch the TRANSFORMATION as it unfolds and reveals lovelier parts of myself! I have entered and will complete the Bill Phillips' Transformation Challenge, the Body-for-LIFE Challenge and the Biggest Loser Pound For Pound Challenge (with my job, FEEDING AMERICA). Maybe, just maybe by NEXT year I'll qualify to enter my first amateur Fitness/Figure Competition. We'll see, but, first things first. The battle of the bulge! LOL Laugh with me and hand me tissue as I cry! ***SIGH*** It's on like donkey kong! :)
