My first workout with my new Personal Trainer, Valerie Tinsley!

I had my first workout with my new Personal Trainer, Valerie Tinsley, yesterday! I am so geeked! I'll tell you, it wasn't easy and I expect that it's going to get harder. However, I know that I can do this! I have to do this for a number of reasons. First, I'm tired of looking, feeling and being obese. I am tired of my heart beating as though it's going to pop out of my chest after walking up one flight of stairs. I am tired of looking my age and feeling older than I am. I am tired of NOT being the best that "I" can be and I'm tired of being neglectful of God's temple. Valerie was a joy to work with and although there were moments when I felt like I couldn't push myself any longer, she was patient, she encouraged me, but, she pushed me to do what she knew I could do. This time, this time, I am going to succeed. NO MORE EXCUSES! NO MORE MAKING EVERYTHING OTHER THAN MY LIFE, MY HEALTH AND MY PHYSICAL WELL-BEING MORE OF A PRIORITY! The changes that Valerie has assigned to my life is the beginning of a new me. I'm not doing this because I have a dress that I want to get into for a class reunion or because I have a bikini that I want to get into for my cruise with my children in August. Nope! This is a life change and an opportunity to increase my QUALITY OF LIFE! A lot of folks have the attitude that you're going to die anyway and that is the truth! Death is probably the only guarantee that we have in life, but, one thing's for certain, since God continues to bless me with this life, in addition to my praise and worship, I can show Him just how much I treasure the life that He's given me by taking ultimate care of the body He hand chose for me! THIS IS IT!
